Get To Know The “Influencer Marketing” Method
There are many ways that business people can do to promote their business. Moreover, in this digital era, various forms of marketing methods have emerged. The use of digital technology gives rise to forms of marketing ranging from social media marketing to “influencer marketing“. What’s it like?
What is Influencer Marketing?
Before knowing more about influencer marketing, let’s first get acquainted with this term. Literally, an influencer is a person who has a strong influence to influence other people. However, in the current digital era, influencers are people who have many followers (followers) and have a strong influence on their followers, usually, these figures are represented by public figures such as celebrities, or the figures behind famous social media personal accounts who are often referred to as with “celebgram” (Instagram celebrities). Influencers can also be born from well-known YouTube platform vloggers who have a massive subscriber base.
Influencer marketing is one of the marketing campaigns in this digital era. Because it was mentioned earlier that influencers have a large following on social media, it is very possible and efficient to market the products offered by business people. So, it can be interpreted that influencer marketing is a way of product marketing campaigns using influencers through social media such as Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, Bloggers and other social media.
The basis of influencer work is to carry out promotions or marketing practices verbally for the products being promoted. Forbes launches, a survey of most people in the United States that 92{f5ac61d6de3ce41dbc84aacfdb352f5c66627c6ee4a1c88b0642321258bd5462} of consumers trust influencers more than traditional celebrity advertisements or endorsements. This trust is based on the reviews given by these influencers as if it looks natural and not made up. So, you could say that promoting your business will be efficient if you use influencer marketing.
Various lines of business can use influencer marketing, starting from the culinary business, fashion, and technology, both from big businesses, small businesses, and startups. Influencer marketing has several advantages, including:
1. Build Trust Usually, influencers are the first to know about the latest products released by the company. These influencers will recommend and review the product. These influencers become trendsetters so that people or their followers on social media will believe the information provided.
2. Increase Brand Awareness The use of influencer marketing can increase brand awareness, you know. Because influencers are trendsetters, people and their followers will be attracted to the product being promoted. The level of trust of the followers of these influencers has a high value, so they will know and become customers of the brand.
3. Determine the Target Direction Each influencer has its own characteristics, such as food, technology, fashion, or startup influencers. Using influencer marketing, we can determine the target audience we will target. With these influencers, we can reach a specific niche market.
4. Generating Electronic Word of Mouth From the use of influencer marketing, electronic word of mouth (e-WOM) will be formed where followers of these influencers will provide comments, share posts, and provide reviews as well. So, marketing can happen simultaneously.
5. Can Target Audience Effectively Influencers usually have their own specifications for themselves, such as focusing on food, fashion, travel, and others. So they have followers who like similar things. This can reach a more specific target audience and it will be more efficient to target marketing.
6. Expanding Market Share Influencers use social media to spread their content. With the use of social media, massive and simultaneous content dissemination can reach market share quickly, especially reaching millennials and Gen Z. This will be in line with e-WOM. Later, the use of influencer marketing can increase sales.
The use of influencer marketing is efficient for marketing in this digital era. Some of these influencer marketing startups do not only have one social media account but there are some who have 2 social media accounts. They will do marketing to startups that offer cooperation.
Talking about influencers and promotions, can’t be separated from the Brand Ambassador. However, it should be underlined, that influencer marketing and brand ambassadors are different, you know.
Influencer marketing vs Brand Ambassador
Although they have the same principle, namely to increase sales of a brand, the two things have significant differences, you know.
The difference between a brand ambassador and an influencer is that a brand ambassador is a person who agrees and will be the face of a brand in the long term. Meanwhile, influencers are only involved in one campaign. After the campaign is over, their contract has expired in promoting a product. However, it could be that in the next campaign, they will be reused.
A Brand Ambassador (BA) will be a marketing influencer for a brand, but influencer marketing cannot be a Brand Ambassador for that brand.
That’s an explanation of influencer marketing. There are many ways that can be used to promote and sell your products, especially in this digital era. The use of influencer marketing can be one solution that can be applied.